Our mission is to empower people to improve their lives
Opening Hours
Mon - Friday: 7AM - 4PM

Individuals with a Sex Offense Charges / Convictions

Susan Gjersvik, RN, BSN, PHN

Susan received her BSN from Augustana University and has worked in the field since 1995. She comes to Park Avenue with a wealth of experience including working as a Heart Transplant Coordinator at Abbott Northwestern and as an RN in the HCMC medical system and Catholic Charities. Susan’s professional goal is to expand her knowledge in mental health and addiction medicine and to become a certified Addictions RN. She chose to work in this field as she is passionate about Park Avenue Center’s Core Values and assisting clients in meeting their goals. In her free time, Susan volunteers with Loaves and Fishes and howls with her hound dog and cuddles with her kitty.